Susan L. Taylor Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Susan L. Taylor's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Editor Susan L. Taylor's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 50 quotes on this page collected since January 23, 1946! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • If we want sincere harmony, peace and joy in our lives, we can have them, but we must be willing to do the work. We must make maintaining an awareness of our spiritual natures first in our lives. Our inner world is the architect of our external world. We don't lose faith in the goodness of life because we become angry and depressed. We become angry and depressed because we lose faith in the goodness of life.

  • When we turn our backs on feelings we should deal with, they fester and grow and ultimately consume us. Silence is denial. Silence is anxiety.

  • Each moment is magical, precious and complete and will never exist again. We forget that now is the moment we are in, that the next one isn't guaranteed. And if we are blessed with another moment, any joy, creativity or wisdom it brings will ensue from the way we live in the present one.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.74, Anchor
  • When you commit yourself to living love, you feel at peace with yourself because you are at harmony with the flow of life. Viewing life from the highest perspective, you feel confident and secure. You realize that no matter how things may appear, you are loved and protected. You know you are one with God, and you bring your peace with you wherever you go. You're not looking for love, but for opportunities to love.

  • Use missteps as stepping stones to deeper understanding and greater achievement.

  • Our greatest problems in life come not so much from the situations we confront as from our doubts about our ability to handle them.

  • It takes a lot of energy to dull the soul and not hear its voice

  • Thoughts have power; thoughts are energy. And you can make your world or break it by your own thinking.

  • The balance and peace we seek for ourselves and our society won't be achieved through mental effort alone. Mind and spirit are meant to travel together, with spirit leading the way. Until we make a conscious commitment to understand and embrace our spiritual nature, we will endure the ache of living without the awareness and guidance of the most essential part of ourselves.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.147, Anchor
  • Take the reins of your life in your hands every day. Get up and put a smile on your face, and feel grateful for this gift in your life.

  • Love is the life spring of our existence. The more love you give, the happier you feel and the more love you will have within you to give.

  • How could I feel so miserable in the midst of such splendor? The question flashed through me all at once, not waiting for words to express it. The answer came more slowly: No one makes you angry. Anger, like love, is something you choose. Stunned, I sat down in the middle of the field I'd been walking through. I knew I needed to look within myself, let go of my anger and have a quiet talk with God.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.92, Anchor
  • Faith is the flip side of fear.

  • Whatever we believe about ourselves and our ability comes true for us.

  • We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly - spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.

  • Women work overtime, do double triple duty, juggle ten balls at once -- children, careers, husbands, schoolwork, housework, church work, and more work -- and when one of the balls drops, we think something is wrong with us.

  • As we rise to meet the challenges that are a natural part of living, we awaken to our many undiscovered gifts, to our inner power and our purpose.

  • We know that material things don't offer contentment, but we still buy more-more of the props and gadgets our culture tells us we must have in order to be happy and "happening." Our addiction to consumption distracts us from seeing that we are disconnected from ourselves, from our truth and from one another. Any euphoria we gain from our material gains is fleeting at best.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.149, Anchor
  • We are forever looking outside ourselves, seeking approval and striving to impress others. But living to please others is a poor substitute for self-love, for no matter how family and friends may adore us, they can never satisfy our visceral need to love and honor ourselves.

  • When we have painful memories from hurting experiences, we may feel justified in holding on to the resentment. But resentment is corrosive. It doesn't affect the person we feel anger toward, it destroys the host.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.96, Anchor
  • When we live moment to moment, we place ourselves at the center of life, where infinite wisdom abides, rather than on the periphery, where things are forever changing and we are susceptible to the vagaries of the world. It is in our awareness each moment of our oneness with God that our inner peace and greatest strength lie.

  • Remember, life is for living and learning. So listen to your life and the lessons it offers. What choices must you make this day to help you move forward? Make your list of the things you can do right now to create what you want and begin to do the work. You can say yes to happiness, wholeness, and prosperity. You can live fully and creatively. You can claim your power to choose. Why not claim it now?

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.71, Anchor
  • Any joy, creativity or wisdom our next moment brings will ensue from the way we live our present one.

  • The path to realizing our dreams is never smooth. Invariably we encounter bends, turns, detours, and roadblocks. Sometimes our frustrations make us want to give up the journey, but frustrations signal the need to pause for introspection and redirection. Frustrations are promptings from God to search our souls even more deeply to find our power and purpose, and to live it. Frustrations tell us that our thoughts and actions are not yet in harmony with our desires.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.64, Anchor
  • ‎In every crisis there is a message. Crises are nature's way of forcing change - breaking down old structures, shaking loose negative habits so that something new and better can take their place.

  • The lessons of the past suggest that racism and resentment against people of color will continue to flourish in America as long as the history that is taught transposes the heroes and the villains. That is the unspoken truth at the heart of the nation's racial divide.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.159, Anchor
  • God makes no mistakes. In all our trials and dramas there are lessons. Life is not a playground but a classroom. Our journey through life provides the course work and the tests needed for our education and development.

  • We each have a finite number of heartbeats, a finite amount of time. But we have enough heartbeats and enough time to do what is important.

  • There is a knowingness that is as much a part of us as flesh and blood and bones. It's intuition, the deepest natural knowing. ... Intuition is the voice within forever pressing us to stretch ourselves, to take risks, to keep loving and giving birth to a new self, regardless of circumstances.

  • There are no meaningless experiences.

    Susan L. Taylor (2010). “Lessons in Living”, p.19, Anchor
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 50 quotes from the Editor Susan L. Taylor, starting from January 23, 1946! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!