Rush Limbaugh Quotes About Effort

We have collected for you the TOP of Rush Limbaugh's best quotes about Effort! Here are collected all the quotes about Effort starting from the birthday of the Talk show host – January 12, 1951! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 33 sayings of Rush Limbaugh about Effort. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
All quotes by Rush Limbaugh: Abortion Abuse Accomplishment Achievement Acting Advertising Affairs Age Aging Aids Airplane Al Qaeda Aliens Ambition American Dream American Exceptionalism Animals Apologizing Appearance Arguing Army Arrogance Assumption Attitude Authority Babies Balance Beach Being The Best Belief Big Government Birth Blame Books Boundaries Brothers Bullying Bureaucracy Cancer Capitalism Caring Cars Castro Censorship Challenges Chaos Character Charity Cheating Children Choices Christ Christianity Chuck Church Cia Citizenship Civil Rights Civil War Civility Cliches Climate Change Clinton College College Education Common Sense Communism Community Compassion Competition Compromise Confusion Conservatism Conspiracy Constitution Cops Country Crime Criticism Critics Culture Dad Debate Decisions Deck Defeat Democracy Democratic Party Design Desire Dictator Dignity Discrimination Diversity Divorce Dogs Doubt Dreams Drugs Earth Eating Economic Growth Economics Economy Education System Effort Elections Electoral College Emotions Employees Enemies Energy Entitlements Environment Envy European Union Evidence Evil Excuses Exercise Expectations Eyes Failing Fairness Fate Fathers Feelings Feminism Fighting First Amendment Flight Focus Football Foreign Policy Free Market Free Speech Freedom And Liberty Frustration Fun Gas Gay Marriage Gender Giving Giving Up Global Warming Goals Gold Golf Good Works Google Gop Greatness Growing Up Growth Guilt Gun Control Guns Habits Hate Hatred Having Fun Health Care Heart Hell High School Hiring Home Honesty Honor Horses House Human Nature Humanity Hurt Husband Ideology Ignorance Illegal Immigration Immigration Inauguration Income Tax Independence Individualism Inequality Injustice Insanity Integrity Internet Islam Jets Jimmy Journalism Judging Justice Killing Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Leaving Legacy Letting Go Liberalism Liberty Life Lifetime Listening Loan Logic Los Angeles Losing Loss Lottery Luck Lying Magic Marxism Mask Mccain Meetings Memories Middle Class Military Miracles Mistakes Morality Morning Mortgages Mothers Motivation Moving Forward National Security Nerds Nuclear Weapons Offense Office Opinions Opportunity Oppression Optimism Overcoming Pain Painting Parenthood Parents Parties Passion Past Patriots Perception Perspective Pessimism Philosophy Planning Pointing Police Political Correctness Political Parties Political Philosophy Politicians Politics Pope Poverty Prayer President Obama Pride Prisons Productivity Progress Prosperity Protest Public Education Public Schools Purpose Questioning Quitting Racism Rage Reading Real World Reality Recognition Refugees Rejection Republican Party Reputation Resentment Responsibility Revolution Rice Riots Risk Rule Of Law Running School Second Amendment Security Seven Shame Skins Slavery Slaves Sleep Small Business Social Issues Social Media Socialism Son Soviet Union Speed Sports Strategy Struggle Student Loans Students Study Suffering Sunday Supreme Court Take Care Talent Taxes Tea Tea Party Teachers Teaching Team Terror Terrorism Terrorists Time Magazine Tobacco Today Torture Trade Tradition Training Transgenders Tyranny Understanding United Nations Unity Universe Utopia Values Victory Violence Virtue Voting Waiting Walking Wall War War Of The Worlds Water Wealth Welfare Whining Wife Winning Worry Writing more...
  • The left has done a very admirably good job of demonizing the private sector, where what happens? Cheating, lying, dishonesty, destroying the planet, killing customers, starving people. And they've positioned themselves, of course, as the great compassionate last hope. They're the ones who truly care. We're not supposed to examine the results of their efforts, which are always dismal and always fail. We're supposed to examine their good intentions.

  • There is no country on earth that can touch us in charitable efforts, in disaster relief efforts, in doing everything to help. We do not live under a suicide pact in the name of compassion, because you see what's incorporated in all this is that we're guilty of something. And we're not. We lead the world in goodness.

    "America Leads the World in Goodness". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", February 18, 2016.
  • When you don't behave the way liberals think you should, their effort and their intention to control you compounds.

  • When I say corrupting, I mean taking over and politicizing them for the express purpose of advancing the leftist agenda. And the advancement of the leftist agenda in large part consists of destroying institutions, traditions, people, policies, what have you, that the left considers to be obstacles to their efforts to blow everything up.

    "The Pope: Trump’s Not a Christian". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", February 18, 2016.
  • I don't even think people are even making an effort to understand Trump. I'm thinking primarily of Democrats and media here. I think they're so arrogant that they don't look at Trump as anything other than a badly molded piece of clay that has to be fixed and reshaped and reformed. And there isn't any interest whatsoever in actually finding out what the guy is or what makes him tick. The only objective is to shut him down as he ticks now.

  • The system happens to be Washington and the way politics works, because whatever it is, it isn't working. It defies common sense. And part and parcel of this, right in the middle of it is the media and their lying and their distorting and their favoritism and their efforts to impugn and destroy people like us who want to stop this mess that's been progressing in a deteriorating way for way too many years.

  • I predict, that if the establishment can't stop Donald Trump in the primary process, they will make an effort to stop him at the convention. I mean, Governor Mitt Romney has pretty much telegraphed this.

  • This is a hallmark trait of the left. There is never any effort to elevate anybody. Liberalism is all about tearing down. Liberalism is all about lowering. It is all about destroying 'em.

  • I think the arrogance of people who think or actually are in the establishment, think they're part of it or actually are, they cannot help themselves, apparently. They take this guy, Trump, who is not a politician, in the career sense, and they plug him into their system and analyze what he does and what he says the way they analyze professional politicians and what they say and do, and they miss it. Which is not news. The news is they're not even getting close to understanding it yet. Despite the never-ending efforts on the part of people like me to help them figure it out.

  • It's easy to be pessimistic. Nobody needs to be taught how. You don't need to buy a book on it. You don't need to go to classes to learn how to be pessimistic. But you do read books on how to think positively, and people who write them become very rich because it takes effort.

  • This effort to reprogram men has been going on a long time. It's not something we need to start now. We're in the middle of it and I think it's one of the reasons there is such confusion between men and women and the roles they're supposed to be playing, because they're at war with nature.

  • The pope is encouraging immigrants to come here. He's encouraging us to let them come here. He's encouraging us to stop any efforts whatsoever to prevent them from coming here. Why, if capitalism's so bad? 'Cause if he gets what he wants and everybody else along with him, we're not gonna be capitalists very much long. Here's what the pope said about Trump.

    "The Pope: Trump’s Not a Christian". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", February 18, 2016.
  • Every New York Times story [about Donald Trump] is the result of the organizational efforts of Barack Obama.

  • We're all born pessimists. It takes effort to be optimistic.

  • I was a normal kid. I rebelled. But I've never been a liberal. And there have been all kinds of efforts to make me one. I've not bothered to tell any of these stories. Folks, we all face them.

  • I have never in my life seen a more petty, childish, bitter, soon-to-be ex-president of the United States. Barack Obama is in fact participating in this effort to undermine the Trump transition, the Trump election, and the Trump presidency. And it's unprecedented in U.S. history. Ex-presidents have never engaged in the kind of behavior Obama is engaging in.

  • Real prosperity comes from everybody in the country working together in a growth mode. Real prosperity comes as a result of people's own initiative and efforts and so forth. Prosperity, if it comes from the government, is not prosperity. It's an existence or a subsistence or whatever, but it isn't prosperity.

  • The state of New York's got this group of people called smokers, and they know they're addicted, and despite all the efforts to make 'em quit, they know they can't. So they just see a pile of money when they see these people. And they think because they're addicted, they can't not buy the product, so they just keep raising taxes and raising taxes, and they expect people just to come up with the money from somewhere and pay it.

  • There is an ongoing effort to replace Donald Trump, to get him out of office. The media may not be leading it, but they are complicit in it. The media doesn't like Donald Trump and is doing what they can to undermine his presidency. They're doing what they can to discredit him.

  • I am opposed to Obama's efforts to destroy the American economy. I'm opposed to Obama's efforts to so-called fix the health care system. I'm opposed to the way Obama wants to go about fixing unemployment.

    "Will Obama’s Exploitation of Newtown Families Force GOP to Cave on Gun Control?". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", April 12, 2013.
  • Liberalism, conservatism, that's irrelevant stuff to Trump. He looks at things in an entirely different way. This is a reason why we, as conservatives, have to remain vigilant as we can to the ideological component of what's going on here, because as it succeeds, we need to be able to tell people why it's working and at the same time be able to contrast and say why it didn't work when the liberals ran the show. This is an ongoing effort.

  • Mass delusion is the result of the effort. Propaganda is one of the techniques. But it mentioned things like you create a consensus of something that's totally absurd. You get people believing something totally absurd, however that's done, and then the people with common sense come along and say, "No, no, no. That's totally wrong," and they end up being the new kooks and weirdos. They are the ones society thinks are cockeyed and weird.

  • We were all illegal at one point and we were all unwanted at one point. Somebody in our family, if not us, was undesirable, and yet here we are. And this moral equivalence that this president [Barak Obama] makes is part and parcel of his effort to tear down the greatness and the uniqueness of this country. Make no mistake.

  • The real leadership of the opposition is never, ever gonna do anything but continue to ramp up efforts to stop [Donald] Trump or destroy Trump.

  • The first thing you'd have to do is be able to actually prove this linkage here, that there is an effort to sabotage, and what anybody would do is they would just laugh at you."This is because [Donald] Trump is elected; it's what Trump did."This is a battle for the minds and hearts of the American people is what's going on here. Somebody who knows more than I do is gonna have to proclaim that it's treasonous. But there's no question that they are trying to take Trump out.

  • I don't have any doubt that there's going to be a Democrat effort to impeach Trump.

  • The effort to combine the general population of this country with the current burgeoning numbers of illegal immigrants is outrageous, simply outrageous.

  • That's Donald Trump negotiating position. "Okay. If we can't vote to repeal Obamacare, I'm standing by and I'm letting it die. I'm letting it implode. I'm gonna let it fail, and it's on the Democrats, and I'll make sure everybody knows it's on the Democrats. I am not gonna own this sucker. It isn't mine. I had nothing to do with it. I've engaged in good-faith efforts to fix this and people aren't interested."

  • I think clear heads will prevail and the correct enemy will be identified, political enemy will be identified, and efforts will come together to defeat whoever it is they throw up - Democrats, I mean.

    "Rush Limbaugh on rift that threatens the Republican Party; Mitt Romney talks Trump attack, future of the GOP". "Fox News Sunday", March 6, 2016.
  • It's phenomenal the kind of support Donald Trump has, despite the best efforts to suppress it, and those efforts are being made, I think it's profound, the number of people.

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    Rush Limbaugh quotes about: Abortion Abuse Accomplishment Achievement Acting Advertising Affairs Age Aging Aids Airplane Al Qaeda Aliens Ambition American Dream American Exceptionalism Animals Apologizing Appearance Arguing Army Arrogance Assumption Attitude Authority Babies Balance Beach Being The Best Belief Big Government Birth Blame Books Boundaries Brothers Bullying Bureaucracy Cancer Capitalism Caring Cars Castro Censorship Challenges Chaos Character Charity Cheating Children Choices Christ Christianity Chuck Church Cia Citizenship Civil Rights Civil War Civility Cliches Climate Change Clinton College College Education Common Sense Communism Community Compassion Competition Compromise Confusion Conservatism Conspiracy Constitution Cops Country Crime Criticism Critics Culture Dad Debate Decisions Deck Defeat Democracy Democratic Party Design Desire Dictator Dignity Discrimination Diversity Divorce Dogs Doubt Dreams Drugs Earth Eating Economic Growth Economics Economy Education System Effort Elections Electoral College Emotions Employees Enemies Energy Entitlements Environment Envy European Union Evidence Evil Excuses Exercise Expectations Eyes Failing Fairness Fate Fathers Feelings Feminism Fighting First Amendment Flight Focus Football Foreign Policy Free Market Free Speech Freedom And Liberty Frustration Fun Gas Gay Marriage Gender Giving Giving Up Global Warming Goals Gold Golf Good Works Google Gop Greatness Growing Up Growth Guilt Gun Control Guns Habits Hate Hatred Having Fun Health Care Heart Hell High School Hiring Home Honesty Honor Horses House Human Nature Humanity Hurt Husband Ideology Ignorance Illegal Immigration Immigration Inauguration Income Tax Independence Individualism Inequality Injustice Insanity Integrity Internet Islam Jets Jimmy Journalism Judging Justice Killing Labor Language Laughter Lawyers Leaving Legacy Letting Go Liberalism Liberty Life Lifetime Listening Loan Logic Los Angeles Losing Loss Lottery Luck Lying Magic Marxism Mask Mccain Meetings Memories Middle Class Military Miracles Mistakes Morality Morning Mortgages Mothers Motivation Moving Forward National Security Nerds Nuclear Weapons Offense Office Opinions Opportunity Oppression Optimism Overcoming Pain Painting Parenthood Parents Parties Passion Past Patriots Perception Perspective Pessimism Philosophy Planning Pointing Police Political Correctness Political Parties Political Philosophy Politicians Politics Pope Poverty Prayer President Obama Pride Prisons Productivity Progress Prosperity Protest Public Education Public Schools Purpose Questioning Quitting Racism Rage Reading Real World Reality Recognition Refugees Rejection Republican Party Reputation Resentment Responsibility Revolution Rice Riots Risk Rule Of Law Running School Second Amendment Security Seven Shame Skins Slavery Slaves Sleep Small Business Social Issues Social Media Socialism Son Soviet Union Speed Sports Strategy Struggle Student Loans Students Study Suffering Sunday Supreme Court Take Care Talent Taxes Tea Tea Party Teachers Teaching Team Terror Terrorism Terrorists Time Magazine Tobacco Today Torture Trade Tradition Training Transgenders Tyranny Understanding United Nations Unity Universe Utopia Values Victory Violence Virtue Voting Waiting Walking Wall War War Of The Worlds Water Wealth Welfare Whining Wife Winning Worry Writing

    Rush Limbaugh

    • Born: January 12, 1951
    • Occupation: Talk show host