Garry Kasparov Quotes About Universe

We have collected for you the TOP of Garry Kasparov's best quotes about Universe! Here are collected all the quotes about Universe starting from the birthday of the Writer – April 13, 1963! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 5 sayings of Garry Kasparov about Universe. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • I would say that when you go to the very, very top, it's an ability to come up with new ideas, with something new, to make the difference. Every world champion, every player who was traversing this universe, managed to bring something new to the game. This ability to always find some unconventional ways. That makes the final difference.

  • One of my optimistic prophecies is based on the assumption that machines could have the best algorithms in the universe, but it will never have purpose. And the problem for us to explain purpose to a machine is because we don't know what our purpose is. We have the purpose, but we still ... When we look at this global picture, a universal picture, to understand what is our purpose being here on this planet? We don't know.

  • Learning from our mistakes is critical for improving, but even I don't have patience for ranking my regrets. Regret is a negative emotion that inhibits the optimism required to take on new challenges. You risk living in an alternative universe, where if only you had done this or that differently, things would be better. That's a poor substitute for making your actual life better, or improving the lives of others. Regret briefly, analyze and understand, and then move on, improving the only life you have.

    "Garry Kasparov on Russia, chess, and the great gambit of AI". Interview With Alexander Bisley, May 1, 2017.
  • Our skin, our borders, all seem petty compared to alien races and the scale of galaxies. Nobody in the Star Wars universe cares about white or black humans, it seems, and what meaning could physical appearance possibly have when there are sentient beings that look like lobsters or like Jabba the Hutt? Unfortunately, in the real world, such hopeful sentiments are regularly refuted by our stubborn insistence on always finding someone to discriminate against.

  • Many so-called pragmatists want nothing to do with space exploration or other kinds of ambitious endeavours that don't have a clear payoff. This mentality is hugely damaging to our success as a civilization. Our desire to understand the universe is kindled by curiosity and wonder, and this has fuelled countless scientific breakthroughs.

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Did you find Garry Kasparov's interesting saying about Universe? We will be glad if you share the quote with your friends on social networks! This page contains Writer quotes from Writer Garry Kasparov about Universe collected since April 13, 1963! Come back to us again – we are constantly replenishing our collection of quotes so that you can always find inspiration by reading a quote from one or another author!