Arthur C. Clarke Quotes About Running

We have collected for you the TOP of Arthur C. Clarke's best quotes about Running! Here are collected all the quotes about Running starting from the birthday of the Film writer – December 16, 1917! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 7 sayings of Arthur C. Clarke about Running. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run-and often in the short one-the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative.

    Arthur C. Clarke (1968). “the Promise of Space”
  • Invade me now, my ruthless friend, And make me cower in the dark. Remind me that I'm all alone And draw upon my face your mark. How is it that you capture me, When all my thoughts deny your force? Is it the reptile in my brain That lets your terror run its course? Baseless Fear undoes us all Despite our quest for lofty goals. We would-be Galahads don't die, Fear just freezes all our souls. It keeps us mute when feeling love, Reminding us what we might lose. And if by chance we meet success, Fear tells us which safe route to choose.

    Arthur C. Clarke, Gentry Lee (2012). “Rama Revealed”, p.40, RosettaBooks
  • The creation of wealth is certainly not to be despised, but in the long run the only human activities really worthwhile are the search for knowledge, and the creation of beauty. This is beyond argument, the only point of debate is which comes first.

    Arthur C. Clarke (2013). “Profiles Of The Future”, p.51, Hachette UK
  • The only way to define your limits is by going beyond them.

  • Sometimes a decision has to be made by a single individual, who has the authority to enforce it. That's why you need a captain. You can't run a ship by a committee-at least not all the time.

    Arthur C. Clarke (2012). “The Songs of Distant Earth”, p.65, RosettaBooks
  • In the long run, there are no secrets. in science. The universe will not cooperate in a cover-up.

    Arthur C. Clarke, Michael Kube-McDowell (2012). “The Trigger”, p.145, RosettaBooks
  • I think in the long run the money that s been put into the space program is one of the best investments this country has ever made . . .This is a downpayment on the future of mankind. It's as simple as that.

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