Alex Rodriguez Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Alex Rodriguez's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Baseball player Alex Rodriguez's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 71 quotes on this page collected since July 27, 1975! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Alex Rodriguez: Baseball Sports Winning more...
  • I've done a lot of growing up and realized a lot of things.

  • You must be present to win.

  • I've never felt overmatched on the baseball field. I've always been a very strong, dominant position. And I felt that if I did my work as I've done since I was, you know, a rookie back in Seattle, I didn't have a problem competing at any level. So, no.

    "A-Rod: I've Never Used Steroids". Interview with Katie Couric, December 13, 2007.
  • When you think small and up the middle, good things happen.

  • I do my best hitting when I'm walking. That means I'm relaxed and my pitch recognition is a lot better.

  • I love the challenge of the game. I love the work. My goal right now is to have a season next year that will make people forget about this one. I'll use things like this for motivation. I'm pumped. I'm hungry.

  • I believe a champion wins in his mind first, then plays the game, not the other way around.

  • Baseball has a funny way to tap you on the shoulder when you least expect it and tells you it's the end.

    "Alex Rodriguez Is at Peace as He Walks Away" by David Waldstein, August 12, 2016.
  • Anyone can forget about talent, but if you're a good person, your name will be remembered a long time.

  • I'm not a real vocal guy, but sometimes you need to kick someone in the ass.

  • Fear of failure is what fuels me, keeps me on edge and sharp. I'm not as good when I'm comfortable.

  • Some things are meant to be and if it was, you will know it.

  • Whether I hit .260 or .320, the bottom line here is to win.

  • There's no place like New York. And I found out that until you go through it for a season, you really don't know it.

  • You can take my cars or my house, just don't mess with my clothes.

  • I only look forward. I can't get all caught up in what I've done. I still have plenty to accomplish in the game. Hopefully, I'm just scratching the surface.

  • This is how I define grace: youre on the main stage, and it looks like it has been rehearsed 100 times, everything goes so smoothly. Thats where I get my confidence and success, from knowing that I have an edge because I know Im prepared.

  • I just don't see the light. Where is the light? What am I in this for?

  • I think it's just getting comfortable in New York City, comfortable in your own skin.

  • I'm a terrible singer. I feel lucky to play baseball. You can't be gifted in everything.

  • I had a great year and left my guts out on the field.

  • I like to score and drive in runs more than pay attention to batting average.

  • With what has occurred in my life, the baseball field is where I feel most comfortable. That's what I feel I was born to do and it's what I do best.

  • I’m fighting for my life, I have to defend myself. If I don’t defend myself, no one else will.

    "Alex Rodriguez Press Conference: A-Rod ‘Thrilled’ With Yankees Return, Didn’t Deny PED Use" by Chris Greenberg, August 5, 2013.
  • It is hard to ignore that is reality. But, at the same time, it still comes down to sound baseball decisions, farm systems and then execution on the field by the players. There are a lot of components to that (other) than just saying it is the highest salary.

  • I'm having a hard time finding a date. I don't trust any women I meet. I'm very skeptical.

  • I truly believe my job starts the minute I leave the baseball field. Going out and catching ground balls and hitting, that's a job, and that's what I've wanted to do ever since I was a kid. But when you think about leaving that field, that's when the job and the demands really start. In New York, Seattle, every city. The community, the media, business stuff. You have to stay on a narrow path.

    "A-Rod and Jeter: Rewind". Interview with Alan Schwarz, February 19, 2004.
  • We (Derek Jeter and I) always talk about getting old, gray, and fat when our careers are over and just having a good time. He's like me. He wants to have a good time and be a good person. It's a weird situation for us. It's just like we're looking in the mirror. the only difference is I'm on the West Coast and he's on the East Coast.

  • Keep reading books, stay in school. I encourage kids to read as much as they can, I challenge you to read a book every two weeks, like I try to.

  • Why do people sing Take Me Out to The Ballgame when they're already there?

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 71 quotes from the Baseball player Alex Rodriguez, starting from July 27, 1975! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Alex Rodriguez quotes about: Baseball Sports Winning

    Alex Rodriguez

    • Born: July 27, 1975
    • Occupation: Baseball player